April 19, 2009


Okay so it has been awhile since I have posted last. I have been really busy with the wedding planning so I haven't really had much time on my hands to think. haha.

So we got are engagement pictures done a couple of weeks ago. We decided to get some family pictures done too. Its kind of hard to get Houston to take some pictures so we might as well do them all at the same time. Sydney did pretty good and so dang cute. Me on the other hand, I just can't take pictures. We were out in the sun and my eyes would just water and not stop. I HATE it. I think it might be because I NEVER wear make-up so it irritates my eyes or at least that is what I'm going to blame it on. In the end we got some pretty good picture of all of us.

Sydney hasn't really done anything new in the past couple of months. She is a really good crawler now. She is so fast and just follows me around the house. She is starting to walk across the furniture. I have one of those yoga balls and she likes to stand up to it and balance but you have to make sure that you are just behind her watching her the whole time or she is fall flat on her face.
Today she started to clap her hands on her own. I have been doing patty cake with her for a couple of weeks and the last couple of days if you sing the song to her she would hit her hands together. But today she started to make the clapping noise. I thinks its so cute. She will be playing with her toys and then stop and clap her hands.
Oh and she has said her first word or at least that is what I am telling myself. haha. She said "mama" and I love it. So every time she says it I say what so that she will catch on that she is calling me. Or at least I think that might help.
Sydney also really likes animals. She loved my moms dog at first but then a little puppy came up to her and started to jump all over and kiss her so now she is kind of scared of dogs. We were out at the farm in Wrentham the other day to visit my brother and we went and say the chicken and baby lambs. She loved them. She likes to just sit in the wagon and look at the chickens. the lambs were so cute and tiny. I didn't have my camera out there or I would have taken some picture.
Houston and I went to Toronto March 26-29 to see our friends Kate and Kyle Harker. The SUPERCROSS just happened to be going to Toronto that weekend too. We had so much fun. I was able to see my ideal CHAD REED. haha Most of you don't know who he is but I have been following his motocross career since I started to race myself, which I can't even remember how long that is. We went to the Welland Ship Canal, Niagara Falls, and the CN Tower. We went to comedy club one night which was fun. I am not a real fan of comedy but I have to say that it is way better in person the it is to watch on TV. The race was at the Rogers Center where the Blue Jays play. It was just a really good time. I am glad that we went then because Kate and Kyle moved back two weeks after we were there. YEAH I am excited for them to be home.

So now its crunch time and I promise I am going to have the invitations out by the end out this week. Here are some picture of our trip and just some cute ones of Sydney.
Kate and I at the Welland Canal
Houston and I at Niagara Falls

CHAD REED......oh how I love him.. don't worry Houston already knows and is still going to marry me. haha

At the Welland Canal

On the glass floor of the CN tower

Looking up at the CN Tower

All of us at the Supercross


The Harkers said...

yay toronto trip!

Ashley said...

It is about time! Sounds like you had fun! I can't wait to see pictures:)

Kennedy said...

oh my gosh that is so cute that sydney is starting to clap! i love it! make sure you send an invite to me too!
127 E 920 S
Lehi UT
i dont know if i will be able to make it for sure or not but i want a couple pictures for sure! good luck with the planning and let me know if i can help you with anything!