July 19, 2010

Busy Busy!

Summer is almost half over and it feels like we haven't even done anything. July First we went to Raymond for the parade and then out to Hill Spring for lunch. The weather was cold and so we just went back to Houston's parents and all had naps except for Sydney.
We have been to the lake a couple times this summer but I always work on the weekends so Houston and Sydney usually go with out me. I am totally fine with it cuz its not to much fun for me to just sit on a boat the whole time not being about to do anything in the water. I almost went on the wake board Yesterday but it was just to cold for me. I don't think it would have been to smart for a 6 1/2 pregnant girl to wake board either. I guess I will have to wait till next year.
Sydney is going to be TWO on the 30th so I took the whole weekend off work and I think we are going to try and go camping with some friends. She loves being outside and I know that it will be funner for her to have a whole weekend of fun instead of just one day. She is a very clumsy little girl and is always falling. Yesterday she trips on our rug in the kitchen and fell and put her tooth in her lip and got a swollen lips. On Saturday she got stung by a mosquito under her eye and so her eye was all swollen up too. Yesterday she looked like she got in a fight. Thankfully the swelling went down of both today so she doesn't look so rough. Lately she has been obsessed with TRUCKS. If I tell her that we are going for a drive somewhere, she says "truck" and I tell her " no we have to go in the car" she screams at me and they YELLS " truck". If you let her play in a truck it is like bloody murder to try and get her out of there. She definitely is Houston's daughter considering we have 4 trucks right now. We are trying to sell 2 of them to make some money and buy a vehicle of some sort that will fit 2 car seats comfortably, but not a mini van. No offense to anyone that drives one but Houston will never buy one.

Well today I went to the doctor and I am 29 weeks! I have only gained 17 lbs so far. They first weighed me at 12 weeks so that is still just a pound a week. Which I am happy for. I hate trying to lose the baby weight after and if I don't gain that much then I don't have to lose as Much. The little boy inside of me is doing well. My heart rate never changes and His heartbeat is normal as well. The only problem I have is sore hips so I can't complain. I just want to hold my little boy, but I guess I will wait a while longer.
I will try and find my camera soon and upload some recent pictures, but for now this is all you get!

1 comment:

Avrey &Cody Hendrix said...

how fun, a boy ash?! Great! Can't wait to see him! Glad you are doing good and having a great summer!