September 23, 2009

Summer=Great Times

Well all I can stay is that we had a great summer! I am really sad that it is over. Since I have started working again we didn't really get to do to many summer vacations. We went camping up by Beaver Mines one weekend with some friends. Sydney went on her first quad ride and LOVE IT. The worst part was stopping the ride and trying to get her off. She just wanted to keep on riding going.

We miss being on the boat! Sydney even enjoyed boating at much as Houston and I did.
We spent a lot of time out at Stafford Lake this summer with some friends on their boat! It is nice to have friends with things you don't have and can't afford! All I can stay is that when I am rich I will become a pro wakeboarder and live on my boat in the summer!

Sydney and I went to Echo Lake with Houston's family. Houston had to work so we went anyways to enjoy the sun and play in the sand and water! Sydney had her first tub ride. I think that she liked it but she fell asleep and then when we would go over the wake it would bump her and she would fuzz so we thought that was enough. She is totally a water baby. It wouldn't matter how cold the water is she loves it. She even went in red rock and didn't cry. We went to Waterton on Saturday to have lunch with Houston's family. I like Waterton in all but unless you want to spend too much money on over priced crap there isn't much for me there. I can't really go on a hike with a 1 year old so its not that fun for me. Maybe when Sydney can walk on a hike by herself we will enjoy it more.

I took Sydney to the Zoo in Calgary. She likes seeing the animals. I think I had more fun then she did. I love going to the zoo and seeing animals that you never get to see around.

The pictures are in random order sorry!

Chilling on the boat

Houston doing a air raley

Our only family picture camping and its not the best

The girls going for a wagon ride at the farm

Tuckered out after the tube ride

In red rock with Alexa

First Tube Ride

Her favorite thing to do at echo!

Playing in the sand! She was covered after she was done!

My pretty little girl camping

On the drive down to echo, I guess she didn't like my music

First quad ride with daddy

At the Zoo

my Little Sydney Bear

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