October 4, 2011

Jackson's 1st Birthday

Jackson turned 1 on September 27th. I still can't believe that he is one. He just seems to little to be one. He is my little man and I am so glad to have him in my life. Happy 1st Birthday Jack!!

Jackson now has 4 teeth 2 on the top and bottom. She loves to jump and as soon as someone picks him up and puts him in their lap he is jumping. He is always jumping when I get him in the morning or from his naps.
He is still just crawling , which I don't mind because he will seem littler longer.
He is a big boy and wear 18-24 month shirts but has short legs and wears 12month pants.
He says mama when he is really sad and dada when he is really happy.
He sleeps from 9pm to anywhere between 9 am and 11am. and usually naps for 3 hours in the day.
He is usually happy if someone is paying attention to him otherwise he wines.
I love you baby Jackson!!

Sydney's 3rd Birthday Party

We had a party for Sydney after we got home from Wasa. She was spoiled and loved having everyone here.
Happy 3rd Birthday to my sweet little girl!!

She is growing up way to fast. She can spell and read " mom, dad, Sydney, Jackson and Woolf". Counts to 20. Starting to recognize all the letter and numbers. She loves to sing and dance and is always making up her own songs. She loves her cousin and hates when they have to leave each other. She is always wanting to help take care of Jackson. She loves to go to work with her dad. She loves sleepovers at grandma chelles. Is a totally movie junking and loves watching movies and having popcorn. She sleeps awesome except for the fact she doesn't like to sleep in anymore. She is the greatest most days, haha. Love you Sydney Bear!!!

The Summer of 2011

Well summer has gone and now I will just post some pictures of what we did that was exciting.

Park Lake... loves Syds face!

Park Lake

She loves the sand, even though Park Lake is rocks!!!

Spray Park

Anutie and Jack!!! I miss you Kels hurry up and get home from Scotland

I don't think he liked the cold water... haha

He loves to crawl

I love these two

Swimming in the back yard

They play pretty good together

Three legged race... she got scared and wouldn't go!

Running races at 1st of July in Hill Spring

I love how he smiles through his soother

Poser.. haha

Wasa 2011

Well the pictures pretty much explain themselves. We went to Wasa the last week of July for 5 days. It was awesome! I would definitely go back ever year. The lake is warm and there is a bit of sand there for the kids to play in which they loved! Its was hard camping with a 10 month of but Jackson did pretty well for not being able to crawl everywhere he wanted too. Sydney got to have her birthday camping and she was so happy to have her ice cream cake. We got to go boating and tubing and Jackson got to have his first tube right out there, he loved it too. Before we know it summer will be here again and we can go back!